Niveau d'étude
BAC +5 / master
6 crédits
Faculté des sciences
- Biology, quality and conservation of pollen
- Seed development and acquisition of seed quality
- Seed structure and morphology
- Physiology of crop seed germination and dormancy
- Physiology of seedling emergence
- Weed seed ecology: seed banks, dissemination and history of life traits
- Biology of transplants and clonal material (bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizomes)
- Physiology of grafting and rhizogenesis
- In vitro culture: callogenesis, organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, plant conformity
- Emerging strategies: update on genome editing, diagnostic tools,
- GMOs: Regulations, certification, environmental security, international policies
- Journal Club: how to write, read and critically evaluate a scientific article
Heures d'enseignement
- CMCours magistral36h
- TDTravaux dirigés15h
- TPTravaux pratique15h
- TPERSOTravail personnel14h
Pré-requis obligatoires
- Knowledge of plant physiology, molecular biology and biochemistry, cell biolo
- Knowledge of plant developmental physiology
- Basic knowledge of seed biology
- Describe the main roles of growth regulators
- Read and understand a scientific article in English
- Report and discuss experimental results in scientific form
Compétences visées
- To have an integrative vision of the biological mechanisms regulating dissemination and multiplication of plants in order to improve both production methods and quality of seeds and plant propagating material in an industrial setting
- To be able to understand the benefits and limits of biotechnology for seed and plant propagation sectors
- To be able to evaluate the potential of in vitro culture for producing quality plants
- To be able to report and discuss experimental results in scientific ways and critically analyze the literature on the topic.