4 crédits
Faculté des sciences
Liste des enseignements
1 créditsFormation professionnelle
0 créditsProjet expérimental étudiant
3 crédits
1 crédits
Faculté des sciences
After a diagnosis carried out to establish the level of oral English, the student will receive work leads. The evaluation will be carried out during the defense in English of the student experimental project.
Students will have the opportunity during the year to prepare and sit for the English certification implemented at the University.
Formation professionnelle
0 crédits
Faculté des sciences
Projet expérimental étudiant
3 crédits
Faculté des sciences
─ Conduct an innovative approach that takes into account the complexity of a situation by using information that may be incomplete or contradictory.
─ Lead a project (design, piloting, implementation and management, evaluation, dissemination) that can mobilize multidisciplinary skills in a collaborative framework and assume responsibility.
─ Work as a team as much as in autonomy and responsibility in the service of a project.
─ Communicate orally and in writing, in a clear and unambiguous manner, and in a register adapted to the target audience.
─ Use digital tools to acquire, process, produce and disseminate information as well as to collaborate internally and externally.
─ Operate software for data acquisition and analysis with a critical mind.
─ Use the methods of data collection and qualitative and quantitative data processing.
─ Analyze and synthesize data with a view to their exploitation.
─ Adapt to new or multidisciplinary situations to provide solutions.
─ Report on their work orally and in writing.
─ Speak in public to defend a project.