Niveau d'étude
BAC +5 / master
3 crédits
Faculté des sciences
The different conductive surface modification methods will be presented and their stu-dy will be detailed through practical work. The characterization of these nanomaterials will be studied via electrochemical and coupled techniques (electrochemical microba-lance, spectro-electrochemistry, electrochemical microscopy). Finally, applications in catalysis, luminescence and energy storage will be the subject of case studies.
The objective of this module is to train students in surface functionalization at the nanometric scale and bring skills in the electrochemical characterization of surface and divided nanomaterials.
Heures d'enseignement
- CM - Electrochimie des surfaces modifiéesCours magistral16h
- TD - Electrochimie des surfaces modifiéesTravaux dirigés11h
- TP - Electrochimie des surfaces modifiéesTravaux pratique8h
Compétences visées
─ Know the different surface functionalization processes for massive and divided materials (nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, graphene).
─ Identify the variables allowing to play on the surface coverage, the interfacial activity and the electroactivity of the materials.
─ Know how to reason about the different parameters of a cyclic voltammogram (Epic, Ipic ...) and distinguish the electrochemical rules usable for electroactive materials
─ Calculate surface coverages via the study of voltammetric and gravimetric results.
─ Know which characterization technique to use to obtain structural information by exploiting simple spectra of advanced techniques.
─ Understand the processes that govern electrocatalysis, luminescence or energy storage on nanoscale materials.