7 crédits
Faculté des sciences
Liste des enseignements
Photophysique et photochimie
2 créditsTechniques de spectroscopies et microscopies
1 créditsInteraction lumière-molécule pour la biologie
1 créditsElectrochimie des surfaces modifiées
3 crédits
Photophysique et photochimie
2 crédits
Faculté des sciences
─ Basic characteristics of light sources (intensity, spectrum, polarization, coherence, ...) and basic physics principle of light emission (black body, spectral lamp, LED, laser, ...).
─ Basic understanding of the physics principles of light-matter interaction (light scat-tering and absorption).
─ Reminders on the concepts seen in M1 of Jablonski diagram, quantum efficiency and fluorescence lifetime.
─ Measure and analysis of fluorescence decays (TCSPC method).
─ Dynamic and static quenching of fluorescence (Stern-Volmer model).
─ Introduction to solvatochromic effects and fluorescence anisotropy.
─ Nonlinear polarisation of light: effects and applications.
─ Engineering of Molecules for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics.
─ Light-absorption and Electron-transfer: Marcus theory and «optical» electron-trans-fer vs. photoinduced-electron transfer (PET).
─ Introduction to mixed-valence complexes and molecular wires.
─ Other applications of PET.
─ Photoinduced energy transfer, theories of Förster and Dexter. Molecular examples with systems applied to amplify light harvesting.
─ Artificial photosynthesis, basic concepts, molecular and hybrid systems for the conversion of sunlight into chemical potential.
Techniques de spectroscopies et microscopies
1 crédits
Faculté des sciences
> X and electron microscopy sciences
─ Spectroscopies with electron microscopes : EELS et EDX
─ Spectroscopy of X absorption in synchrotron : XANES et EXAFS
─ Electron spectroscopy for surface characterization: XPS
> Near-field Microscopies
─ AFM : contact mode (c-AFM), non-contact (nc-AFM), intermittent contact (t-AFM), lateral forces (lf-AFM), spécific interactions, force spectroscopy.
─ SNOM: Optical near-field, operating principle, type of set-up, experimental set-up
─ STM: topographic mode (I-V constant or constant tip-sample distance) and tunnel-effect spectroscopy (STS).
> Raman Spectroscopy
─ Relation of molecular-structures - macroscopic phenomena (physical origin of the refractive index, absorption, diffusion).
─ Application of Raman spectroscopy in microscopy.
─ Main sources of light (white source, LED, Laser diode) : materials and temporal and spectral characteristics.
─ Principles of Raman and Resonance Raman spectroscopy.
─ Extension on non-linear spectroscopy (second harmonic generation, emission with biphotonic absorption).
Interaction lumière-molécule pour la biologie
1 crédits
Faculté des sciences
Electrochimie des surfaces modifiées
3 crédits
Faculté des sciences
The different conductive surface modification methods will be presented and their stu-dy will be detailed through practical work. The characterization of these nanomaterials will be studied via electrochemical and coupled techniques (electrochemical microba-lance, spectro-electrochemistry, electrochemical microscopy). Finally, applications in catalysis, luminescence and energy storage will be the subject of case studies.